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hi there. I'm Malo, it's me again.
I made this page so we can talk a bit about my level design work.
I was a level designer on patin-grappin. I tried to make a unique-level with lot of replayability, thanks to a tentacular level design, with lots of branching.
It's basically a racing gliding game, with arcade spiderman feelings. I was also a game designer on it, and made design choices that impacted level design directly. For instance, when you fall from a track, you just land on a new area and keep going, so the experience is always continuous and fluid. I had to design the map around this idea.

••••IT'S PAPER GUY••••

On It's paper guy, I participated with my friend Jonas in creating StoryBoard documents, to explain the upcoming levels situations.
With this we were able to plan our level design a bit ahead, and to list the assets and features needed for the level to the team members, with a clear context in which they will be used in.
Very useful in meetings. Makes everybody's work easier. 10/10
I was also a Level Designer on the B.U.G. shoot'em up.
I designed enemies' pattern and waves' placement.
The game has an adaptative difficulty system where the level design and enemies' pattern will change depending on how good you're doing.
In this game, you can also take control of any enemies, and thus, using their bullet pattern as your own weapon, so it had to be designed keeping this in mind.

On PEAK, another arcade gliding game I worked on, I worked on the boss part of the level design. While my friend val was working hard on probuilder making cool memorable scenes, I'd create a path for the gigantic beast to move around the playfield that they created.
I also had to ballance the fight withe the boss, and communicate with Val so that there would be better and easier opportunity to hit the boss in the air.

Also, you can check some Side-projects that might be relevant on the level design topic :
Portal 2 level editor
Portal 2 level editor
What I tried:
Use already existing mechanics to create dynamics I did not see in the original game.
What I've learned:
Playtests are important
Puzzle Design is hard
Hear more about this
What I tried: A game where items needed to win are also the ones that makes you lose.
What I learned: Work with a big team.
What I tried: Let the player have control on a large amount of objects rather than just the character.
What I learned: A single mechanic can lead to different games.
What I tried: study and reproduce level design rules from a game and changing 1 parameter for a special twist.
What I learned: You can change a game rythm a lot without changing the way you make your levels.
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