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3 month project, 6 people in the team.
A grappling hook game that you play with your eyes.
"Patin grappin" is a game we made to experiment with eye tracking technologies. My goal was to put this new way to interract with a game the center of our gameplay.
I also focused on making the game accessible to non-players that this new device may already scare.
3 month project, 6 people in the team
A feel good game designed to be fun without challenges.
With "it's paper guy!" we wanted to make a game that doesn't focus on a specific challenge:
You will be rewarded if you're curious, but the game will still offer you a nice experience if you're not.
We wanted players to feel good and to smile, no matter what they do in the game.
1 month project, 9 people in the team
A shoot them up where you can take control of any enemy at any time.
When you kill ennemies, you get hack power.
When you hack ennemies you increase your multiplier.
The more you hack, the more you score.
We focused our work both on positive and negative feedback loops, to make a shoot'em up where it's not too bad to die.
4 months project, 12 people in the team
A gliding game with boss fight mechanics. Do tricks in the air to do damages.
Glide and do impressive tricks in a post-apo world. Your friend on the radio will help you from time to time but you'll be all alone to fight the gigantic beast that lives with you in the mountain.
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