level editor
I made a few levels for speedrunners, a micromachine-like game where players run and walljump to get speed, with lots of physics. It has a huge community so it's great to test maps on real player.
Maps are basically big loops and the objective is to get other players out of the screen by going super-fast.

Exemple of work:
This map I made is pretty small. Maps are usually huge in speedrunners, levels are usually a big loop with a huge and difficult opportunity to win at every lap.
With this map, I wanted to do the same things as the classic maps did, but in a small area, where a lap would not take a lot of time.
Like in most speedrunners maps, you can still take risks by trying to go in a deadly path that will get you a few seconds ahead your opponents.
Some part of the level design are interactive and are used as catch-up mechanics: if a player is almost winning, the level will change so that player almost loosing will be on a faster path, to get a chance to be back on tracks.

The small size of the map makes it really dynamic and alive: you're constantly getting new chances to catch back, and constantly getting new chances to destroy your opponents.
Rounds are never the same because of the size map. They are sometimes super short, sometimes last for dozen of laps because the frequency of easy opportunity for the slow players to catch up.
Basically, the end of the map will give player a chance to be all equals, so they have the (short) time of a lap to get rid of their opponents.