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hi there. I'm Malo, it's me again.
I made this page so we can talk a bit about my Narrative design work.
I've been lucky enough to get an actual narrative design job in the game-industry (solving design problems linked to the narrative, thinking about how the narrative branch inside the gameplay, creating narrative systems...), but I also did a bit of writing for my games, especially comedy writing, because that's what I like to do as someone who is also a stand-up comedian
Designing Narrative systems for a Visual Novel

I can't tell much about Harmony right now, as it is still under development.
But I've been working for a year and a half on its narrative systems, letting player anticipate their narrative choice and trying my best to make it so that players will get the story they want in this visual novel adventure.
You can check out the Steam page here.
Writer (Dialogue- Voice acting)
I was a Game Designer on Peak, but I also contributed in the game's story, mainly by writing the game's dialogues.
The game has an arcade vibe, and thus, is not focusing on its story, but we still wanted to give a meaning to the character's quest to get more and more powerful, and beating gigantic monsters. I also added a comedic tone to it, so it doesn't appear as too serious to the players who came for the cool gameplay.
We made the narrative structure so that all the game's dialogues are told trough an in-game radio, broadcasting cool songs (it's an arcade gliding game, we needed cool songs), but with a DJ telling a bit about the lore from time to time, or giving away some tutorial-like advices.
DJ Typhoon - How to get christals
Typhoon accidently gets emotional
I was lucky enough to work directly with a professional voice actor on this game, giving the guy some directions as they recorded the thing.
••••UNANOUNCED(Midnight Mood Studio) ••••
Design Narrative Systems
Writing prototypes
Midnight Mood Studio is a narrative-game company that worked on many unreleased titles. I worked there for a bit and learned a lot about narrative design and game writing.

I was asked to prototype the next narrative game of the studio. It had an original narrative system idea, pretty horizontal and challenging to make.
I made various prototypes in engine with narrative branchings. From a "structure prototype" where just the events would be described in form of a branching that would describe how the story would go on depending on the choices.
Made prototypes of the actual game then, with various situations, where I'd write game's dialogues.
I would then work with the actual writer to make the whole thing more cohesive
I also did a ton of research on the game's theme to come up with meaningful game-situations.

Narrative Problem solving
A big project, still at Midnight Mood Studio. The game was almost done when I arrived, I gave the last design help to get the game on "gold" state. The game structure made it hard to spot design problems linked to the narrative.
It was interesting to work on someone's else narrative design, with sometime a role that would be close to consulting. The problems encountered with this game were definitely taken in account when prototyping the next game's structure.

••••IT'S PAPER GUY!••••
Dialogue-Writing & Situations

I was mainly a Game Designer here, but I wrote most of the funny dialogues that were inherent to the game's design. They're mostly jokes as a reward for the player to be curious and cutting some stuff around.
I recently released a bitsy autobiographical game. I worked on everything including:
Narrative Structure (inherent to the concept), writing, game design.
The game is called "The reasons for it" and it's basically a list of awnsers to the question "Why do you have sex", a question that asexual people gets asked a lot.
The game breaks itself as player progresses, anwsers get more and more trashy and direct. The game then restart to let the player explore an other path with other "reasons for it"
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