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During my 6 months long internship at midnightmood studio, I worked on their Unity pluggin for narrative game.
I was mainly creating or correcting narrative branching dirrectly in the engine.
This could include the different narrative paths of the games we created, but also variables and conditional path based on previous actions to create complex stories with systems (if the player is good to an NPC, NPC will like them, etc)
Midnight Mood Studio - Internship
My Design work was limited, because of the kind of games we were making, but there are still design challenges to consider when making a narrative-only game. There are a lot of UX element not to forget: Does the player know they are making a choice right now ? Will they regret it ? etc.

I also documented some game/narrative systems outside of the engine, to prototype micro-gameplays (ex: "how do we use the "time that goes on" feature in this game : Narrative gameplay example")

Design QA
Midnight Mood

I worked several months on an almost finished version of this narrative and multiplayer game called antioch.
Close to the release, Midnight mood wanted some last minute feedback and design fix.
My work consisted in:
-Spotting design problems
-Spotting bugs
-Giving Feedbacks on the game as a whole.
Spotting Design problems (and solving them)
As I was given an almost finished game, I was ask to verify the game's narrative branching and see if some specefic cases would cause any problems.
I had to go and find the origin of these issues inside of the engine (Fiction Engine, a narrative plugin in Unity) to find a way to fix them.
The main challenge reworking on Antioch's Design was that there was no one working on it anymore: that means the design solution needed to not envolve new images,sound, or complex text. I had to solve issues mostly with new branchings.
After asking lots of question about the game's intent and history, I was able to give the team some meaningful feedback about the game and how it could evolve.
It helped the team focus on what was important and relevant for the game they wanted to make.

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