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A game jam game:
- I worked alone on art and visual scripting with construct2.
- I did a lot of playtests during the game jam.
- Made in 48 hours among other games.

In SiZe, the player travels trough a maze and is given a score as they play. To finish the game, they need to increase this score, but are not told what makes the score change.
As I was making the game, I took a lot of time to watch people play the prototype, even though it was during a game jam. Some of them quickly understood the score system and finished the game easily. Some players however, never felt the need for an objective, but loved the game for the controls and weird graphics.
Designing this game made me realize that sometimes, players will not enjoy my games for the reasons I design them and it's okay.
(as part of the human bundle I made for Utopiale 2016 game jam)
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